Hooking up Rob's computer for a solar charge in the Wapichan Shulinab community officeRob Heittman hard at work in the Wapichan Shulinab community benabCommunity LandsWapichan workshop topicsThe Wapichan release their mapping drone, Kwadad, for a demonstration flightForest People Programme and Digital Democracy team at work in Wapichan wizii

Community Lands

The Project

Facilitating mapping and communication for indigenous communities

The Work

Solertium worked with the Forest Peoples Programme and Digital Democracy to hold workshops and help indigenous communities around the world adopt a new generation of portable and easy-to-use mapping and web publishing technologies.

The Partners

Conrad Feather, Tom Rowley, Viona Belohrad, Gregor MacLennan, Rob Heittman, Alison Heittman, Carl Scott, Forest Peoples Programme, Digital Democracy, Solertium