Our new year always starts with getting ready for the voting season of the Freddie Awards, and 2020 was no different on that front. It's fun working with Ed Pizzarello, Randy Petersen, Denny Butts, and the rest of the Freddie Awards crew. Uploading translations, pulling all the new art together, checking and re-checking the ballot - and then checking it all again; I enjoy everything about it.
As always, voting kicked off on February 15. And then the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world hard. Travel has changed this year, and yet, the frequent traveler community still turned out and supported the Freddie Awards. Our job of supporting the voting app is done, the votes have been counted, and it's time to announce the winners!
This year's award ceremony at The National WWII Museum in New Orleans may have been cancelled, but the Freddie Awards is still celebrating excellence in loyalty programs. Check out the Winners Circle on their website.