CCB maps - Nightjar routes layerCCB maps - eagle nests layerCenter for Conservation Biology logo

CCB Bird Mapping Portal

The Project

In partnership with Resource Manager Marie Pitts at the Center for Conservation Biology, we created a mapping portal for their GIS data on eagle nests, colonial waterbirds, Chesapeake Bay herons, and Chesapeake Bay osprey nests. The maps from the CCB applications OspreyWatch and the Nightjar Survey Network are also included.

The Work

The CCB Mapping Portal is implemented using CartoDB, a cloud based mapping, analysis and visualization engine that lets users build spatial applications for both mobile and the web. It is a static HTML page, with no server side components other than CartoDB.

The Partners

Marie Pitts, Rob Heittman, Alison Heittman, Carl Scott, Center for Conservation Biology, Solertium
