The Project
The Species Information Service Toolkit ("SIS") is used by biologists around the world to gather data and publish assessments to the
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, the authoritative worldwide reference on threatened species and a measurement tool for the United Nation's
Millenium Development Goals. Hundreds of specialists contribute thousands of changes per day: managing the taxonomy as well as drafting, editing, reviewing, and approving species assessment data. An expert system based on the published
categories and criteria evaluates the data to verify the species' Red List Category (Critically Endangered, Vulnerable, Least Concern, etc.).
The Work
Ext GWT (GXT for short), a widget library for browser-based applications
Hibernate, an object-relational mapping technology
OSGi, a framework for dividing Java programs into hot-pluggable modules
Restlet, a framework for writing web services in the REST architectural style
The Partners
Jim Ragle, Ackbar Joolia, Craig Hilton Taylor, Caroline Pollack, Rasanka Jayawardana, Julie Griffin, Jennifer O'Sullivan, Rob Heittman, Alison Heittman, Sam Graham, Carl Scott, Adam Schwartz, Elizabeth Schwartz, Dave Fritz, Tiffany Broadbent, Matt Ritter, IUCN, Solertium