One of my favorite parts of my job is talking with our clients about their experience with the software we help build. This February, I got the chance to do just that with the amazing team over at Pan Am International Flight Academy - Las Vegas location.
I was greeted by Ardina and Dean, who made me feel completely welcome and at home. I got to see how the software performed on their machines in several key areas. As I did this, it was great to hear about their interactions with the product first hand - how it is a lifesaver for them in regards to the previous software they were using in their daily procedure.
I also got to hear feedback on issues that impacted their work negatively, and was even able to further investigate some major issues on site with the help of Jose Blanco, Pan Am's IT manager. When I get back to Florida I will be able to take this valuable feedback and make support tickets to help get these issues resolved.
All in all, it was a great experience to hear about the day to day use of My Flight Solutions products and seeing Solertium's role in it. Interactions like these are my favorite thing about what we do at Solertium, and vital to guaranteeing the success of the products we work on and maintaining the happiness of the clients we serve.